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It is over fifty pages long and is of mostly historic interest.
Main Menu:
Serving Others
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Responding To God’s Love Through Action
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40
Responding to God’s Grace:
Christians are called to show God’s love to others through service. Each of us possess skills and talents, which, when used together as a group, allow us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others –in our community as well as in distant lands. Through these tangible acts of love of each other and our “neighbors,” the family at Central Presbyterian Church strives to reflect God’s love.
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve on another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)
There is a place for you:
Serving others with your time, talents, and treasures is an important element of responding to all that we have been given by God. You have been entrusted with unique gifts – for some, particular skills and talents, for others, wealth, and for others, the deep desire to learn in order to teach – in order to make the greatest impact on others.
There is remarkable joy in discovering how your life can hold more meaning through a personal connection with God through serving others in the name of Christ. God wants you to do the best with what you have. Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15 to read the Apostle Paul’s stewardship plan.
God has a place for you in his mission. If you have questions about how that place can be found at Central Presbyterian Church of Waxahachie, please contact us. To help you get started, please prayerfully view this Time and Talent Pledge Form. You are invited to return complete and return this form to the church office, and you will be contacted about your interests.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7(NIV)
What started out as a piece of land with a deteriorating historic residence, followed by a vacant lot, this land has been transformed into a beautiful Park for our church and community. Fellowship Park is the result of many prayers over several years, hard work by volunteers and the faithful stewardship of donors. Our goal involving Fellowship Park in 2019 shifts from building it to using it for the glory of God and benefit of the people. We welcome all to enjoy the park!
Fellowship Park is dedicated to the loving memory of Ellie Abbott.
Dedicated in Loving Memory of Ellie Abbott
Ms. Ellie loved this church, children, and community, so it only makes sense that this place, where people can gather to fellowship, run and play, is dedicated in her memory. Ms. Ellie’s love for children was very evident in that she was a beloved elementary school teacher and social worker, and after retirement, she dedicated her volunteer time to children in the community, her FROG ministry (Fully Rely on God) and church activities. Ms. Ellie made a lasting impact on everyone she met. When you see children running and playing in this park and hear their sweet laughter, think of Ms. Ellie. These are the things she loved.
July 7, 1942-February 12, 2014
“… And who is my neighbor?” – Luke 10:35
In the New Testament, to believe meant more than words. It meant sharing the love of God through our actions. On the second Saturday of each month, Central Presbyterian Church members and friends work on site at the home of a local neighbor, or a local charitable organization in need. Work can include internal/external painting, a multitude of landscaping needs, wheelchair ramp construction, organization of indoor areas, and other
items as needed.
This mission initiative began in 2013, serving local Veterans in Waxahachie and Ellis County. After several months, the ministry was expanded to include any neighbor who might need a little help, as well as outreach-related projects at the church.
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12 (NIV)
The Marthas are an open group who meet on the second Saturday of each month at 8:30am in the church parlor for breakfast, a devotional, and a service project. The project varies each month, but the purpose remains consistent to help those in need. Examples of service projects are making soup to freeze in family portions, as well as home-made bread and cookies to give out to our senior members and our first responders on Valentine’s Day. The Marthas welcome your service and your ideas for future projects!
If you are interested in serving with the Marthas and have questions, please call the church office.
An integral part of Central Presbyterian Church is its relationship with its ministry partner, Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS). Established in 1903, PCHAS programs have evolved over the years to meet the ever changing needs of children and families. Originally established as an orphanage in Itasca, it now offers seven core programs and annually serves 2,800 children and families throughout Texas, Louisiana, and Missouri.
In the early 1960’s PCHAS opened a Group Home Campus in Waxahachie. For years, members of Central Presbyterian Church have been very active as staff, volunteers, mentors and supporters.
In 2012, the Waxahachie Campus opened a Single Parent Family Program to serve seven single parents and their children. PCHAS’ goal is to give these single parents a chance to become strong and self-sufficient without constantly fearing for their and their children’s survival and safety. The single parent families are able to stay 12-18 months while they work towards achieving personal goals, including self-sufficiency. To help the single parents, which now includes single mothers and single fathers, the program provides employment assistance, individual counseling, case management and therapy, money management, life skills training, parenting classes and more.
Some CPC members have completed steps to become Authorized Volunteers and are able to work very closely with the clients on the Waxahachie campus.
In the summer of 2017, PCHAS decided to consolidate its Group Home Program onto its Itasca campus. At the same time, PCHAS asked CPC if the group home children in Itasca, which now includes the former group home children from Waxahachie, could all attend Sunday worship at CPC. CPC has fully embraced this opportunity and, in addition to welcoming the group home children on Sunday mornings, has also volunteered to lead children’s worship/activities once a month on the Itasca campus. This means even more members of CPC will be invited to serve as Authorized Volunteers of PCHAS and be able to enjoy deeper friendships with their children and staff.
The children of God served by PCHAS – kids, youth, single mothers and fathers, staff and administrators – are a vital part of the CPC family. As we minister to one another, we grow together in Christ!
*Join the CPC Worship and Activity Team Serving PCHAS’ Itasca Group Home Children
Join us as we provide worship and activities for the children living on the Itasca Group Home campus. Our visit will provide us with quality time together, prayer and teaching, and fun activities. Please contact Sharon Curry, DCE to learn more.
*Become A Mentor
If you are interested in working one on one with a child served by PCHAS, helping them with homework, and coping with the challenges of daily life, please contact Jennifer Quintero-Pitts, Coordinator of Volunteers by phone at (210) 548-2114 or by email at
*Provide a Meal
This is a great opportunity to get to know the single parents, their children and staff living on the Waxahachie Campus. The Campus also provides housing for older youth who are transitioning from foster care or group home care to independent living. Providing a meal usually involves 2-4 people able to prepare a meal for 8 people. To learn more about this opportunity, please contact Jennifer Quintero-Pitts, Coordinator of Volunteers by phone at (210) 548-2114 or by email at
*Become A Transportation Volunteer
Volunteers are needed to provide transportation for the single parents living on the Waxahachie campus. Volunteers must complete the required paperwork to be Authorized Volunteers. For more information about this volunteer opportunity or to discuss other ways you can help the children and families served by PCHAS, please contact Jennifer Quintero-Pitts, Coordinator of Volunteers by phone at (210) 548-2114 or by email at
Part-time Employment Opportunities:
*Become A Tutor!
Nationwide, less than 70% of the children in foster care finish high school and less than 3 percent earn a bachelor’s degree. Because of the trauma they’ve experienced, it is common for them to fall behind their peers in school, sometimes three or four years behind.
There is a pressing need for paid tutors to help Group Home children, as well as children living with single parents in Waxahachie, not only master basic educational skills, but also more advanced and specialized subjects such as geometry and chemistry.
To learn more, please contact Jennifer Quintero-Pitts, Coordinator of Volunteers by phone at (210) 548-2114 or by email at
To learn more about PCHAS and their programs in Texas and Louisiana, please click here to visit their web site
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12 (NIV)
Central Presbyterian Church reaches out to neighbors of all ages within our community and abroad with service as well as financial support. Many of our members give their time each month serving these organizations. Our actions are inspired by and in response to the love of Christ.
· Daniel’s Den, a safe haven providing emergency assistance and transitional housing for the homeless.
· Waxahachie CARE‘s Give-A-Meal-A-Month® is a program whereby members provide food for the food pantry equaling more than 1000 meals per year for local families.
· Hope Clinic, a local service that provides medical and dental care for those in need.
· Our Little Pantry provides food and other essentials to our neighborhood 24/7.
· Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services providing home, care and counseling to children and single mothers
· Gingerbread House a child advocacy center
· CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)
· Rainbow Room which provides support and basic items for children brought in by the police and other agencies
· Big Brothers & Big Sisters provides mentors for high school students
· Common Ground Ministries which has after-school and summer programs for children.
· Our Little Libraries provides books to neighborhood children 24/7 from our outdoor library boxes.
· Marvin Elementary School we support students and staff as needs are identified
· No Place Like Home Orphanage
· CPC members have gathered to help our neighbors in need of light structure and yard repair through the Second Saturday Service mission, and provided food and encouragement through projects by The Marthas.
· Youth and adults have volunteered their time at the North Texas Food Bank earning credits for Waxahachie Care, delivering food and hygiene kits to people who are homeless with Our Calling, and has served meals at Union Gospel Mission (UGM) in Dallas.
· Children have created and delivered cards and care packages to college students, residents of assisted living centers, military service personnel, and just anyone we know who needs a loving word!
· CPC has helped fund and provided volunteers for Kids Against Hunger in conjunction with the Rotary Club International to pack high-nutrition meals for starving kids around the world since 2012.
· CPC has partnered with First United Methodist Church in Waxahachie in Worship Outside the Walls (WOW) since 2013. Worship services and service projects are simultaneously held around the community. Click here for more details about WOW.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8(NIV)
· Operation Christmas Child members pack shoe boxes filled with toys and personal items for underprivileged children internationally every year at Christmas (see picture above).
· Missions of our Presbytery through Presbytery Mission Shares and Grace Presbytery Mission Center.
· One Great Hour of Sharing program through PC(USA)
· Joy Offering through PC(USA)
· Birthday Offering through Presbyterian Women
· Pentecost Offering through PC (USA)
· Grant McFarland, mission worker with schoolchildren in India.
· CPC members have traveled Haiti and Honduras to serve at the No Place Like Home Orphanage in Port Au Prince, Haiti, and Rancho El Paraiso in Honduras via HOI, Inc.
· World Wear Project: CPC collects recyclable clothing, shoes and household goods to help people in need in bin on grounds of Bethlehem Revisited on Jackson St. All are welcome to place items in bin.
“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2: 1-3 (NIV)
Central Presbyterian Church initiated “Bethlehem Revisited” in 1997 as a full representation of life in Bethlehem when Christ was born. It includes replications of homes, shops and other facilities authentic to the time period. Costumed characters act out the roles of merchants, clergy, soldiers and other inhabitants. Camels, donkeys, goats and other animals are part of the event.
Today it is a community project with several churches, businesses, organizations and individuals contributing. Bethlehem Revisited has become one of the Dallas-Fort Worth areas’ major tourist events during the Christmas season and is a wonderful way to remind us that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
Bethlehem Revisited is located on approximately two acres behind Central Presbyterian Church on North Jackson Street and is open the first two weekends in December on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights from 6-9pm.
During the event, Central Presbyterian Church is open to the public and features live holiday music in our historic sanctuary.
As you approach Bethlehem you are invited into the church to experience music, the Lord’s Supper quilt and the hospitality of the membership.
**In the event of heavy rain, Bethlehem Revisited will be cancelled. That determination is usually made by 3pm on that day. Please check the following places for last minute updates:
· Waxahachie Convention and Visitors Facebook page
· CPC web site home page or Facebook page or Twitter
If you are interested in becoming involved in Bethlehem Revisited, please contact Bethlehem Revisited at
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…” Matthew 25: 35
Meredith Hallett, a Cadette Girl Scout from Troop 878 in Waxahachie and CPC youth member, spent several months in 2016 creating a community garden with the help of a team of volunteers she mobilized. She received assistance in picking the location and the best seasonal fruits and vegetables from Master Gardener Arlene Hamilton.
After coming up with the plan for her Silver Award project, Meredith took her proposal to the Session, the ruling board of CPC, who granted approval and offered support. The garden is located on CPC property along North Flat Street, near Bethlehem Revisited. In 2018, the garden transitioned to a church-organized ministry with the hopes of involving more neighbors in the gardening process as well as continuing to share the produce with the community as well as CPC members and neighbors.
“Thyme in the Garden” is every Wednesday at 5pm. Come grow with us! There is shade, a picnic bench and time to enjyoy the fellowship of our young people and adults who are amazed at God’s blessings harvested from this green patch of earth. To learn how you can help contact Arlene, or Priscilla,
In 2014, CPC installed its first Little Library outside of Bethlehem Revisited on Parks St. Built by Girl Scout Troop 878, our Little Library became a place where neighborhood children could get a book any time. Since then, CPC has built and installed four more Little Libraries in other neighborhoods throughout Waxahachie. Those locations are College St. across from CPC, Water St. Baptist Church, Pocket Park on the downtown square, and Common Ground Ministries.
Children are welcome to take a book for free anytime.
If anyone is interested in donating children’s books for this ministry, please contact the church office.
“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.” Romans 12:4-5
There are many opportunities to serve others at Central Presbyterian Church. We encourage every member and friend to use their time and talents, and find a place to serve in the life of the church or out in our community in response to God’s grace.
At CPC, we gather in teams to determine the needs of our church family, the community, and the world. The teams are described in our Ministry Team Directory. Each team is led by an Elder currently serving on the Session, but comprised of members of the congregation. Here is a list of our teams:
· Mission
· Discipleship and Education
· Worship
· Congregational Care and Hospitality
· Communication
· Finance and Stewardship
· Personnel and Administration
· Buildings and Grounds
· Earth Care Ministry Team
You are invited to consider the time and talents that God has given you, and to prayerfully pledge a portion back to Christ’s Church. Click on the link, print out and complete this form, return to the church office, and you will be contacted about your interests.
You may also contact Pastor Fred Thrower at 972-937-2924 to discuss where and how you can serve.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16(ESV)
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
Mark 16:15
Worship Services at Central Presbyterian Church in Waxahachie are Live-streamed to spread the word of God to those who may not be able to attend in person. Here are links for viewing our live services.
You may also go directly to YouTube and visit the CPCWAX channel, where worship service videos are available. You can subscribe to our channel and receive a notification anytime we upload a video.
At Central Presbyterian Church prayer is a vital part of our communication with God. It is also a chance for us to bear each other’s burdens by taking our needs to God.
Please let us know how our church can pray for you by filling out the form below. We keep all requests confidential to the pastoral staff, unless otherwise designated. If you would like to be included in the prayer chain, please indicate so.
“Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.” Psalm 95:2
Music is an important component of our praise to the Lord and considered an act of worship. The fellowship of choirs at Central Presbyterian Church welcome all who are interested in praising God through music to participate in our music ministries.
The Chancel Choir is for high school students and adults. Under the direction of Rev. Tom Tickner, They sing during the 11:00 am worship service and other special services during the year. The choir is accompanied by Randy Arey on the Austin Opus 809 Organ, and a beautiful Steinway model B 7-foot Grand Piano. Various other musicians accompany or solo throughout the year. They meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 PM (except the month of July) in the sanctuary for rehearsal. New members are always welcome!
The Joyful Singers are 2nd-5th graders learning the basics of choir singing, music reading/direction. Under the direction of Winnie O’Donnell, they participate on various occasions during worship services. They meet for practice on Wednesday evenings during the school year in the Music Room in the undercroft . Please click here for the current schedule.
Toddler Music Class is for preschoolers. After the Sunday school lesson each Sunday, the toddlers go next door to Ms. Winnie for singing and rhythm instrument play from 10:15-10:30am during the school year. They love their time with Ms. Winnie!
The Jubilate Ringers is an adult handbell choir. Under the direction of Winnie O’Donnell, they participate periodically in the worship services and in special programs in the community during the Christmas season. The ringers meet on Monday evenings at 6:30pm in the Music/Bell Room in the church undercroft for rehearsal.
The Jubilance Ringers is a youth (ages 12 and up) handbell/chimes choir. Under the direction of Winnie O’Donnell, they participate periodically in the worship services as well as Youth Sunday. The ringers meet for practice on Sunday mornings from 10:30-11:00am in the Music/Bell Room in the undercroft for rehearsal during the school year.
Beginner Hand Bells, under the direction of Winnie O’Donnell, are for children 2nd-5th grade who are able to handle the weight of the bells and begin to read music. They occasionally will perform as part of the Sunday Worship Service. They meet on Wednesday nights during the school year. Please click here for the current schedule.
The Chimers are children ages 5 and up just beginning to play hand chimes. Under the direction of Winnie O’Donnell, they learn the basics of hand chime ringing and music reading/direction and participate at various occasions during worship services. They meet for practice in the Music/Bell Room in the undercroft. Please contact Winnie O’Donnell for more information on practice time.
Central Arts Concerts
Central Presbyterian Church offers periodic free concerts to the community approximately. Previous concerts have featured local artists such as Christina Harmon, organist at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, Tena Hehn, organist at Oak Cliff Presbyterian Church, as well as our own Randy Arey, all on our Austin Opus 809 Organ. Other concerts have featured the youth choir from Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Kerri Arista, the Dallas Praise Jazz Orchestra, to name a few.
To contact Winnie, Tom or Randy, please visit our staff page for their contact info. Visit our You Tube Channel to browse and listen to our music at CPC!
“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble”. Psalm 59:16
Youth Activities
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
CPC Kids includes our Babies, Toddlers and Elementary-age children. We are committed to showing our children about God’s love, learning God’s word, and encouraging them to love others.
Our CPC Kids age-appropriate activities include
· Children’s Church (during regular worship for children in 3rd grade and below)
· Music (singing, rhythm instruments, chimes, and hand bells)
· Nursery service for newborns and preschoolers.
· Fun group activities like playing at the park, going to the movies, arts and crafts, and swim parties!
The nursery is for our littlest angels – ages newborn to 4 years old. Our nursery staff are very sweet, trained, and provide love and care for our precious babies and preschoolers. The nursery is open any time we have a service, and we will give you a pager upon request. Our policy is to allow a little one to fuss for no more than 15 minutes before we come and get a family member, so you can feel confident that if your little one is happy, safe and comfortable, learning about Jesus while you do!
Learning is fun at CPC! We use dramatic play, music, hands-on arts and crafts, games, movie clips, visual art, service projects, snacks (sometimes), interactive surprises, science experiments, and puppets to help kids understand the Scriptures we’re learning. We like to have fun!
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
We are a welcoming group made up of students from a wide variety of church backgrounds and family make-ups. We teach a Bible-based, Christ-centered approach to Christianity.
Our main meeting time is Wednesday night during the school year. Wednesday Night Fellowship includes a time of fellowship when students can enjoy our game room or just hang out, followed by a time of intimate, contemporary worship for Jr. high and High School students; then we divide the Jr. high and high school groups for relevant, interactive, youth-centered Bible study. Click here for the Wednesday Night Schedule. We also meet every Sunday morning for Sunday school at 9:45am.
Other activities include:
· Sunday lunches
· Service projects and outreach
· Weekend retreats at local facility
· Senior High Youth Conference
· Youth camp at Mo Ranch in Hunt, TX
· Summer mission trips
· Annual Youth-led Worship service “Youth Sunday”
· Fun outings like Broomball, lock-ins, Laser tag, Dave and Busters, and Pool Parties!
· Check out our Upcoming Events page
To sign up to receive Youth Group reminders through REMIND, click here.
For more information, please contact Sharon Curry, DCE
At Central Presbyterian Church, baptized youth in 6th grade and up have the opportunity to be confirmed. Confirmation invovles discipleship training that leads to full church membership. During the class, they study the Bible, Presbyterian polity and history, Church confessions, and develop their own statements of faith. Typically this process will also include work on a church community service project.
Baptism is offered to those who have not received it. Baptism is a sign and seal of one’s incorporation into Christ. As we are united with Christ through faith, baptism unites the people of God with each other and with the church of every time and place.
If you have a child who is interested in confirmation this fall, please contact Pastor Mari Lyn at
Growing In Our Understanding Of God’s Word
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
Philippians 4:8 (ESV)
Studying God’s Word:
Central Presbyterian Church – Waxahachie offers a wide range of opportunities to learn more about the Bible and its relevance to our lives today.
· Sunday School Bible Study: Sundays, 9:45 a.m.
· Pastor’s Bible Study: Wednesdays, 6:15 p.m. (September -May)
· Various small groups throughout the week at different locations
If you have a question about any of the study and prayer sessions, call – or visit – the church, and we will be happy to help you discover the opportunity that best fits your needs.
“Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.”
2 Corinthians 13:11 (ESV)
Spending Time Together:
While we enjoy fellowship during worship services, class discussions and prayer services, there are other times when we simply enjoy time together as members of the same church family.
Whether at bring-a-dish lunches after worship, evening dinners, watching movies, museum trips or at a Rangers baseball game, you will find the family of Central Presbyterian Church sharing their time and lives together. We believe fellowship is an important part in building a community of faith.
There are so many ways to interact with members of “Central Pres,” and informal gatherings might be just the right setting for you.
See the Calendar for upcoming events.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20 (ESV
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Wednesday evenings are special times of food, fellowship and study at Central Presbyterian Church in Waxahachie. “Wednesday Night Fellowship” offers something for everyone, with dinner, Bible classes and activities for all ages.
Wednesday Night Fellowship is currently on hold
5:00 – 5:30pm Thyme in the Garden
5:30 – 6:00pm Dinner & Stories
6:00 – 6:30pm Music with Mrs. Winnie
6:00 – 7:00pm Youth & Teens – BE BOLD! Asking the hard questions in church you always wanted to ask
6:30 – 7:00pm Children – FBS– Fall Bible School (our version) of VBS – exploring Trust & Faith, Loyalty & Forgiveness, Mercy & Love through Bible Stories and VBS activities
· 5th graders have the option to go with the youth group or stay with the elementary kids
· Bring-your-own dinner and enjoy fellowship in the fellowship hall. Adults are welcome to bring their dinner into the parlor and eat during discipleship if you cannot get there before 6:15 pm.
· Nursery is available from 5:45-8:15pm
· Adult discipleship will discuss the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday worship service unless otherwise noted.
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Romans 15:4
At Central Presbyterian Church, we have many opportunities to learn from the Bible and grow your faith. Sunday School is offered for all ages from 9:45am-10:30am each Sunday.
Sunday School Classes – Children
· Pre-school through Second Grade | Meeting place: Undercroft
· Third through Fouth Grade | Meeting place: Undercroft
Sunday School Classes – Youth
· Fifth through Eighth Grade | Meeting place: Upper Floor
· High School | Meeting place: Upper Floor
Sunday School Classes – Adult
· Singles & Doubles | Meeting place: Parlor- Main Floor
· Andrews | Meeting place: Cottage
Click on the links below to find out more about our Sunday school classes!
· Children
· Youth
· Adults
The nursery is available for infants and young children from 9:45-12:00.
Map of Central Presbyterian Church
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
We are currently using the curriculum “Growing in Grace and Gratitude.” From their website: “Growing in Grace & Gratitude is rooted in the foundation of Presbyterian identity where God’s grace and our gratitude are the heartbeat of our faith, life, and worship; extends an invitation to discipleship that inspires children to learn and practice hospitality, generosity, and love; and reaches beyond Sunday morning, encouraging children to live their lives as an expression of God’s grace.”
Toddlers: these precious kiddos are taught by Dee Dreckshage and Deborah McMillian. They meet in the nursery.
Elementary: these PreK -4th graders are taught by Gary and Cheryl Loper, Caryn Davidson, and Kerry Curry. They meet in the undercroft in the Children’s Church room. Group will separate or combine into Pre-K-2nd, and 3rd-4th when needed. (*5th graders have the option to stay in this class if that is a better fit.)
Map of Central Presbyterian Church
During the 11:00am Worship service, Children’s Church is available for kids 2nd grade and under except for communion Sundays (first Sunday of every month). Kids spend the beginning of the Worship service with their families, and after a brief sermon for the children during Young Discipleship Time, the children will go to the Chapel to have their own “mini church service.” Their worship service will be led by an elder. This program is designed to teach the children the basics of our Presbyterian worship service. They will learn the Lord’s Prayer, the Doxology, the Apostle’s Creed and the Order of Worship.
The goal is to equip our children with a working knowledge of our Order of Worship so when they reach third grade (with their new Bibles) and stay in church with their parents, they will feel comfortable participating in the worship service. Parents may pick up their children at the end of the Worship service.
For families who choose to stay and worship in the sanctuary together, there is a “Kids Worship Table” by the front doors which has crayons, paper, books etc. to help those little ones through the Worship service.
Growing little disciples doesn’t stop on Sundays! Check out our Wednesday Night Fellowship program!
The nursery is available for children ages newborn to 4 years old during Sunday school through morning worship.
Youth Sunday school meets from 9:45-10:45am.
Jr. High (5th-8th grade) meets up in the Jr. High Room on the top floor next to the elevator.
High School (9th-12th grade) meets up in the Youth Room also on the top floor.
*There will be no Summer Sunday school for kids K-12 this year*
Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.” Matthew 4:4
All classes meet at 9:45-10:30am.
Doubles and Singles: (Meets in the Parlor) This class is led by Rev. Tom and Susie Tickner. This class likes to discuss how the Bible applies to our lives today. Readings are done in class. No homework required! Visitors welcome!
Andrews Class: (Meets in the Cottage) This class is led by Glinda Felty. All sessions are discussion based hoping to enhance, enrich, and expand our insights.
This class uses a variety of Biblical translations from the King James to the Message, artists’ interpretations, and archeological discoveries, the text is discussed and background information provided for study. This class is a great fit for those who enjoy detailed study linking the Old and New Testament. All opinions and discussion are welcomed.
If you’re not sure where you fit, just drop in and try out a class! Visitors are always welcome!
Can’t make it to a class? Here is a great list to study on your own: “The Bible’s Top 40” by Glenn McDonald. Click here to download the list.
Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding. Romans 14:19
Wondering about your kids? Check out Sunday school opportunities for your children or youth. We also have a wonderful nursery available for those little ones who aren’t quite ready for Sunday school.
· Children
· Youth
Map of Central Presbyterian Church
*Last updated 7/8/19
“Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 11
Women gather together to grow friendships and as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Women’s Circle, our largest group of women, meets once a month on the second Tuesday September through May. They study the current Presbyterian Women’s Horizons Women’s Bible Study. The 2019-20 study is “Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments.” There are two opportunities to meet. Both groups are led by devoted leader, Barbara Hill. Meeting times include delicious snacks and light suppers provided by the participants.
· Morning Circle: Lesson begins at 9:30am in parlor. Coffee and juice provided.
· Evening Circle (Laura Sue Plummer Circle): Dinner at 6:15pm, lesson at 7pm in parlor.
In addition to Bible study, Women’s circle also focuses on mission and fellowship. They organize the Birthday Luncheon which supports the Birthday Offering, a mission of Presbyterian Women. They also support the Fellowship of the Least Coin. The Women’s Circles support the fellowship of women in the church during times of joy like births, weddings, spring tea, and other gatherings.
The Marthas meet at 8:30am on the Second Saturday each month for a service project, breakfast and devotional in the church parlor.
Faithful Followers: this group of ladies meet on Wednesdays at 10am at members’ homes. The next study beginning on September 11, 2019 is Beth Moore’s “To Live is Christ- The Life and Ministry of Paul.” This group usually meets for 2 hours of in-depth study.
Other Small Groups: Women gather in smaller groups throughout the week in different locales for study, prayer and fellowship, and also travel to places like the annual Women’s Conference at Mo Ranch.
Presbyterian Women Gatherings: Grace Presbyterian women gather in the Spring and Fall each year for fellowship and study.
All women are welcome to come to our different groups of fellowship of women! If you are interested in joining or forming a small group, please contact the church office at
Last update 9/23/19
“Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 11
Men of all ages meet for a short devotional, fellowship, and a delicious breakfast the second Saturday of each month usually downstairs in the undercroft, but occasionally meet at a local restaurant at 8:00 AM. For more info, check the church calendar or contact the church office.
Following breakfast, CPC helps neighbors in the community with various projects during Second Saturday Service. For more information, please visit the Second Saturday Service page on our web site.
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers…” Acts 2: 42
Saturday Seekers is an adult small-group dinner and study group that meets the first and third Saturday of each month at various participants’ homes. They enjoy dinner together, share and discuss a lesson, and then, of course, dessert!
This group is open to anyone who is interested. If you would like more information or would like to be included in the email sent out before each meeting, contact Denise Johnson at or 972-268-0814.
News & Calendar
The Outlook
Connect to Central Presbyterian Church through our monthly newsletter, The Outlook. To receive The Outlook, contact Johnna Breedon in the church office at 972-937-2924 or, and specify if you’d like to receive the newsletter via e-mail or postal mail. Click below to download the current or past editions.
· May 2020
To receive weekly updates by e-mail, CPC News, please contact CPC News at
At 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 12 at Fellowship Park, join us for our traditional Blessing of the Animals as we celebrate the relationship with beloved creatures who share God’s good and beautiful creation with us. I would love to meet your pets, and to give them — and you — a special blessing. Bring your… Read more »
A Celebration of Austin Opus 809 This year on the Sunday after Easter, Central Presbyterian Church celebrated 100 years of worship in the present building. Along with the building, our Austin organ was first used on Easter Sunday, April 20, 1919. The contract for the construction and installation for the organ was signed on May… Read more »
Fall Sermon Series Begins September 8th
August 30, 2019–The great Reformer John Calvin, principal player in the development of the Presbyterians’ Reformed tradition, had this to say about what makes a church a church: “Whenever we see the Word of God purely preached and heard, and the sacraments administered according to Christ’s institution, there, it is not to be doubted, a… Read more »
April 2, 2019–Holy Week will offer a number of opportunities for worship, fellowship and spiritual renewal at Central Presbyterian Church (CPC). Palm Sunday begins Holy Week, a time in the Christian year when believers remember how Christ gave his life in love for the world. The Gospels record Jesus entering Jerusalem in triumph, greeted by a… Read more »
Fellowship Park Dedication and BBQ
Fellowship Park Dedication and BBQ Sunday, March 31st Immediately following worship Join us as we dedicate CPC’s Fellowship Park, in loving memory of Ellie Abbott. This Sunday, immediately following worship, we will walk over to Fellowship Park for a brief ceremony to bless this piece of land transformed from a deteriorating historic residence, to a… Read more »
Garage Sale to Benefit International Mission
March 25, 2019–Central Presbyterian Church will be holding a garage sale Saturday, April 6th from 8am -Noon at the home of Denise Johnson, 319 Harbin, Waxahachie. Proceeds will benefit the June Honduras Mission trip. If you have items to donate or if you are willing to volunteer to help with the April 6 sale and preparation, please… Read more »
Kids Against Hunger Meal Packing Event April 6th 8:30am-2:30pm First United Methodist Church Waxahachie First United Methodist Church of Waxahachie is planning their annual KIDS AGAINST HUNGER event on April 6, 2019. The event will be held in the family life Center at First United Methodist Church Waxahachie. There is a goal of packaging 100,000… Read more »
March 6, 2019 Friends in Christ, I am excited to be offering a five-week book and DVD-based Lenten study this year on Adam Hamilton’s Unafraid: Living With Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times. Lent is a season in which we reflect on our mortality, and I cannot think of a better time to explore the… Read more »
March 2019–As part of the celebration of the 100th year for our congregation in this building, the Marthas are making a bell banner to be used for years to come. We will be selling the celebration bells for $100 each and using all the proceeds to purchase new banners to be hung in the church… Read more »
February 26, 2019–Central Presbyterian Church will observe Ash Wednesday with a simple supper followed by worship, communion and the imposition of ashes as a symbolic reminder of the words “you are dust and to dust you shall return.” All are invited to join this traditional preparation for the Lenten Season at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March… Read more »
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Bible Gateway A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages.
Grace Presbytery Grace Presbytery is our regional authority of our Presbyterian Church.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) The National Authority of our Presbyterian Church.
The Presbyterian Mission Agency The ministry and mission agency of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Presbyterian Women An Independent group within PC(USA) offering women a way to live out their lives faithfully.
Presbyterian Outlook The only independent news publication for PC(USA)
Presbyterians Today Magazine The award-winning, general-interest magazine of the PC (USA). Published 10 times a year, it explores practical issues of faith and life, tells stories of Presbyterians who are living their faith and covers a wide range of church news and activities. Presbyterians Today features easy-to-understand articles about what Presbyterians believe, Bible study and devotional helps, and provocative commentary on the church’s role in society.
Mo-Ranch Conference Center Presbyterian Conference Center and Camp located in Hunt, Texas.
Waxahachie Chamber Waxahachie Chamber of Commerce and Bethlehem Revisited information. A web site designed for individual’s family’s needs such as illness, meals after hospital stays and new babies. Need recipient’s last name and password to login. is designed for a number of people providing one meal for one event such as a memorial meal prior to or after a funeral service. Need password for event.
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
About Us
Our 250+ members are from varied denominational backgrounds, united together for the glory of God and the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge. We have a dynamic youth group and strong ties to Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. We are an established church in a historic community. We are part of Grace Presbytery and Presbyterian Church (USA).
“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”
I Thessalonians 5:18
Inspired by the grace of God we nurture and enrich the spiritual faith of our church community and exemplify God’s transcending love in our daily lives through our worship, witness and actions so all will come to know and embrace the redeeming power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Together, we are the body of Christ. The power of the mission statement lies in the application to the vision, ministries, and day to day activities of this church and by each individual through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
Clicks on the links below to find out more what it means to be Presbyterian.
Presbyterian 101
What Presbyterians Believe
Book of Confessions
Book of Order 2017/2019
“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8
Becoming a Member
Membership at CPC is open to any person who confesses Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Our beliefs…
At the center of our belief as Presbyterians is the sovereignty of God, revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Presbyterians believe that the Bible is the unparalleled witness to the reconciling love of God.
Moved by God’s forgiveness, each person responds in faith, repentance, and obedience as one begins the new life in Christ.
Baptism, the public profession of faith made in the presence of the people of God, unites us with Jesus Christ and initiates us into the church community. This sacrament is administered to infants upon the request of parents who are members, and to unbaptized adults and youth wishing to become members.
Inquirer’s class
Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about membership in the church? Attending an inquirers class is a great place to learn and ask questions! Please contact Pastor Mari Lyn at 972-937-2924 or if interested. Inquirers class consists of three classes on Sundays during the Sunday school hour, 9:45-10:30am.
What do I do next?
A person intending to join the church will meet with the pastor and then with the Session (the governing body in the local church) at one of its monthly meetings or a special meeting called for the purpose of receiving new members after the Worship service. Persons are received into the fellowship of this church family by profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or by letter of transfer from another congregation.
Those interested in discussing membership should contact Pastor Mari Lyn Jones at (972-937-2924).
The staff of Central Presbyterian Church in Waxahachie is committed to sharing the love of Jesus Christ and pursuing Christ’s mission in the world. Please feel free to contact us with questions, concerns, prayer requests.
For the Rev. Mari Lyn Jones, family, church, and school shaped her life while growing up near the Texas Gulf Coast. Cooking on the beach and splashing in the waves were regular family evening activities during the summer. Sunday School, GA’s, and Youth Group kept her connected to her church family. Marching and Concert bands kept her busy after school hours.
At 18, she headed for the bright orange lights bathing The Tower at the University of Texas at Austin. There she earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees as well as Secondary School Teaching and all-level School Library certifications.
She and her husband Kevin, whom she met at UT, remained in the Austin area for 30 years. Family (playing with and rearing 2 incredible daughters), church (planning and facilitating Godly Play for children in worship), and school (teaching math and developing school library programs) shaped their lives.
Enjoying her work with teachers and students, Mari Lyn was surprised to hear God calling her to Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. She has served congregations in Kansas, Missouri, and Texas.
Mari Lyn particularly enjoys looking for connections: worship experiences that engage all ages, finding the common threads woven in the Biblical narrative and our own life stories, meeting and working alongside our neighbors. In her personal life, it is when she is outdoors—hiking a park trail, walking her dog through the neighborhood, sharing a sunset with her husband, or sitting in silence as the sun rises—it is when she is outdoors that she finds herself most closely connected to God.
Bio coming soon!
Since 2001, Randy Arey has served as the organist. In 2008 he received The American Guild of Organists Service Playing Certificate. In 2015 he received The American Guild of Organists Colleague Certificate. Presently he continues his organ study with Dr. Jason Alden.
Prior study was with Charles Harris at Dallas Baptist College and Dr. Al Travis at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Christina Harmon, and Dr. Robert August. In 2007 he participated in the German Organ Music Seminar and played many famous organs in Hamburg, Weimar, Freiberg, Dresden, and Leipzig. In 1999 he was featured in a recital in Paris at the church of St-Roch in honor of the 100th Anniversary of Caville-Coll (famous French organ builder), as part of his participation in The French Organ Music Seminar.
Randy and his wife, Cheryl, have a grown son Adam and his wife Jenny. In addition Randy and Cheryl are very proud grandparents of their grandson, Dean Walter.
The Rev. Tom Tickner has returned to his musical roots as Choir Director at CPC. Tom began his career directing choirs at Adams Middle School in Alice, Texas, and New Braunfels High School for nearly 10 years, from 1972-1981. He left teaching to enter Austin Presbyterian Seminary. Tom then served as the solo pastor at Chisholm Trail Presbyterian Church in Yukon, Okla., from 1984-2003. Tom continued his ministry with the residents of Grace Presbyterian Village in Dallas, serving as their pastor for the next 14 years until he retired in 2017. CPC welcomed Tom in early 2018.
Tom received his Bachelor’s of Musical Education from the University of Texas at Austin, his Master’s in Music with emphasis in Music Literature and Conducting from UT-San Antonio, and his Master’s in Divinity from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Tom and his wife, Susan, have two sons, Stephen, who with wife Bianca lives in New York City; and Mark, who with wife Molly resides in Austin. The Tickners have three granddaughters.
Johnna Breedon has lived her whole life in Waxahachie and graduated from Waxahachie High School. She has over 20 years experience as an administrative assistant with local businesses.
Johnna’s hobby is her family. She and her husband, Harold, have two children, Aidin and Mary. They worship at the Avenue Church.
Unrivaled in dedication and enthusiasm, Mrs. Gene O’Donnell (affectionately known as Miss Winnie to her students) directs and teaches the children of our church in the art of hand bells, chimes and music. She also directs the adult hand bell choir, the Jubilate Ringers. The Jubilate Ringers participate in worship services throughout the church year and have played upon request at Christian community events, especially during the holiday season.
Mack Fountaine has been a resident of Waxahachie for more than 40 years and is an enthusiastic student of the Bible. Visitors – and members – of Central Presbyterian Church who marvel at our historic building can thank Mack for the loving care he provides our facilities. An avid reader and fan of history and “do-it-yourself” television shows, Mack most holds dear his family, friends and his relationship with Jesus.
You Are Welcome Here
“It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago He planned that we should spend these lives in helping others.” Ephesians 2: 10 (TLB)
Welcome to Central Presbyterian Church!
Central Presbyterian Church welcomes all people, including those of different faiths, ethnicities, sexual orientations and backgrounds.
Explore the web site and discover the opportunities you have to worship, grow, love and act in your faith. Wherever you are on your faith journey, there is a place for you. We invite you to come visit us in person. The best time to start is Sunday! Click below for a few more details:
· Coffee fellowship at 10:35 am just inside the main entrance
If you are interested in learning more about the life and ministries of our church, and how to become a member, please contact Pastor Mari Lyn Jones through the church office at (972) 937-2924 or at
Stay in touch!
Please take a moment to give us a call, send us an e-mail at cpcwax@gmail.comor fill out a visitor card with your contact information.
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve on another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10
The session is the group of ruling elders who guide the church in its ministries. Elders are elected, ordained, and installed by the congregation. Each session member serves a term of 3 years. There is no term limit. At Central Presbyterian Church, we gather in teams to collectively address the needs of our church family, the community and the world. Our Ministry Team Directory describes each teams’s focus. Each ministry team is led by at least one member of our session, but is comprised of members of the congregation. God gives each of us a gift for ministry.
2019 Ministry Team Leadership
Congregational Care & Hospitality: Dee Dreckshage
Mission: Cheryl Loper
Communication: Dave Wall
Building & Grounds: John Stockman & Carl Holleyman
Finance & Stewardship: Priscilla Clore
Worship: Alex Galeti
Personnel & Administration: Margaret Felty
Discipleship & Education: Cheryl Loper and Sharon Curry
Earth Care: Jessica Hallett
Fellowship Park: Carl Holleyman
Session Clerk: Cheryl Loper
Treasurer: Claire Cobb
Trustees: Bill Abbott, Arlene Hamilton & Sam Meade
Session Classes
Margaret Felty
Priscilla Clore
Alex Galeti
John Stockman
Jessica Hallett
Carl Holleyman
Cheryl Loper
Dee Drecksage
Dave Wall
Leadership changes occur at the end of January each year.
For more information on Presbyterian organization and government, please refer to the Book of Order 2017/2019.
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” Revelation 2:7 (NIV)
The Beginning
Central Presbyterian Church was founded in 1853 when the Reverend B. Malloy organized the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, with twelve charter members. With the union of two national Presbyterian denominations in 1905, the local congregation took the name of Central Presbyterian Church of Waxahachie, Texas.
The Current Building
The current building was first used on Easter of 1919. Designed by architect C.D. Hill, this late Gothic Revival building was constructed of oriental brick trimmed in white stone, with a seating capacity of approximately five hundred. The cost of the building and furnishings was $112,522. The pipe organ, which is an Austin Opus 809, and is still in operation, was donated.
“Today We Became A Church”
Although we love our building, we love having a part in building lives through Jesus Christ even more. In 1950, CPC sponsored a refugee family from post WWII Communist-ruled Hungary, the Zsohars. With two day’s notice, the congregation responded and got a house ready for the family. Ed Clark, head of the Men’s Bible class, said as he addressed the congregation, “Today, we became a church!”
The relationship established with the Zsohar family has had a long-lasting impact on CPC’s mission of reaching out to others beyond our walls and into the world. Surviving Through Faith, written by Zoltan Zsohar, chronicles how God used the members of CPC in 1950 to respond to the family’s needs, welcome them to their new home in Texas and to unite a church.
Commitment to Youth
The Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS) began its mission in Waxahachie during September 1960. The organization provides Christ-centered care and family support to children from birth to 17-years–old, as well as single mothers who have suffered from neglect, abuse, and abandonment, or children whose families are experiencing some type of family crisis or other issues which threaten family stability. Over the years, many of our members have served as mentors to the kids. The kids and home parents are an integral part of our church family, and our deep commitment to PCHAS continues today.
Our youth group, Same Difference Youth Group, has a strong tradition of fellowship with each other and connecting with other Presbyterian youth through camps at Mo Ranch and the annual Senior High Youth Conference within Grace Presbytery. Our Youth have also been leaders in service, volunteering at Our Calling, Union Gospel Mission, as well as mission trips within Texas in recent years.
Bethlehem Revisted
In 1997, Central Presbyterian Church initiated “Bethlehem Revisited,” an event portraying a full representation of life in Bethlehem when Christ was born. It includes replications of homes, shops and other facilities authentic to the time period. Costumed characters act out the roles of merchants, clergy, soldiers and other inhabitants. Camels, donkeys, goats and other animals are part of the event. “Bethlehem” takes place on the church property, just east of the main building.
Today the event is a collaboration between several churches, businesses, organizations and individuals from the community. Bethlehem Revisited draws several thousands of visitors from throughout the region each Christmas season who are reminded that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
Reaching Outside our Walls
For many years, CPC has been dedicated to supporting our community through relationships with partners such as Waxahachie Care, CASA, Gingerbread House, Daniel’s Den, etc. Our members have served thousands of hours through these organizations in service and leadership positions.
Stemming from a growing desire to serve our neighbors in a more hands-on fashion, CPC started a monthly outreach day called Second Saturday Service in 2013, initially focused on serving veterans. The following year, the focus shifted to our mission partners, but remains available for any neighbor in need. In the last few years, CPC has also partnered with First United Methodist Church and other churches and organizations in “Kids Against Hunger” and “Worship Outside the Walls.”
CPC is not content to rest on the accomplishments of its rich past. As the church moves into the future, it is undertaking foreign mission trips for the first time in its history and forging new commitments with the surrounding neighborhood to care for, and share God’s love with, those right in front of us.
We are all sisters and brothers in Christ when we are serving those in need.
“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” Ephesians 5:33 (TNIV)
Weddings in the Presbyterian Church (USA) are worship services, a celebration of God’s gift of marriage. In keeping with that belief, the sanctuary, as the central gathering place of the people of God in worship, shall be preserved as a worship setting for the celebration of marriage. We welcome the opportunity to open our sanctuary up to you.
For more information regarding the availability, policies and guidelines for weddings at Central Presbyterian Church, please contact Johnna Breedon, Office Administrator at (972) 937- 2924 or or Winnie O’Donnell, Wedding Coordinator at (214) 563-8852
“Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 (NRSV)
Photo by Ami Trull Photography
“Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13 (NIV)”
We at Central Presbyterian Church are blessed with a wonderful and well-maintained building. We are thankful to be able to share our space and building with the community.
If you or your group is interested in using our building, please contact Johnna Breedon in the church office at (972) 937-2924 or to review the church calendar for availability. Please click here to complete our online building use request, or download and complete a form found below and return to the church office. Your request will be reviewed by our church Session. You will be notified upon approval and your date will be reserved.
We look forward to having you at our church!
CPC Building Use Request Downloadable Form
South on I-35 towards Waxahachie approx. 22 miles
Exit Brookside Rd. Exit (401A). Turn left on Brookside Rd.
Turn Right on W. Main St/US 287 Bus East.
Go approx. 1.5 miles towards downtown Waxahachie.
Turn left on N. College St. just past courthouse.
CPC is about a quarter mile north on right hand side of the road just past the Post Office.
South on 287 towards Waxahachie approx 33 miles
Take Exit US 287-Bus S/W. Main St.
Go approx. 4 miles towards downtown Waxahachie.
Turn left at N. College St. just past courthouse.
CPC is about a quarter mile north on right hand side of the road just past the Post Office.
North on I-45 approx 13 miles toward Ennis:
Take US 287 N exit towards Waxahachie/Ft. Worth
Take US 287 North approx 15 miles to Exit US 287-Bus
Take left onto US 287 Bus N, go approx. 3 miles into downtown Waxahachie.
Turn right at light onto N. College St. just before courthouse.
CPC is about a quarter mile on right hand side of the road just past the Post Office.
North on I-35 towards approx. 60 miles to Waxahachie:
Take Brookside Road Exit (401A).
Continue along access road past apartments and Knights Inn motel, turning right on Kelley Bend. Go up to Brookside road and turn Right.
Turn Right onto W. Main St. /US 287 Bus East.
Go approx. 1.5 miles to downtown Waxahachie.
Turn left at N. College St. just past courthouse.
CPC is about a quarter mile on right hand side of the road just past the Post Office.
Giving Choice
He who tends the fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who cares for his master will be honored. Proverbs 27:18
Our own lives bear witness to God’s steadfast love and grace-filled mercy. In gratitude, we offer back to God a portion of all that we have received.
God of unending gifts, we praise you for your abundant goodness. As you are generous, we want to be generous too. May the gifts we bring extend your generosity into the world, so that all people may be made whole by your goodness and grace. Amen.
Below we have several easy and secure ways for you to make a donation as we pass the offering plate online.
Our own lives bear witness to God’s steadfast love and grace-filled mercy. In gratitude, we offer back to God a portion of all that we have received.
God of unending gifts, we praise you for your abundant goodness. As you are generous, we want to be generous too. May the gifts we bring extend your generosity into the world, so that all people may be made whole by your goodness and grace. Amen.
Below we have several easy and secure ways for you to make a donation as we pass the offering plate online.
As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God 1 Peter 4:10 KJV
The Giving Button at the bottom of this page will take you to the secure online giving portal sponsored by the Presbyterian Foundation, powered by Vanco Online Giving for Churches (1).
On your first visit, you will need to “Create a Profile” so that you and only you can have access to your banking information.
You will be asked for:
· Your email address and
· A password for return visits.
The password must have at least 1 alphabetic character and 1 number.
Suggestion: Think of a password before you start.
Then you will be asked for your name, address, and phone number.
Next you will be asked for your bank or credit card account from which you wish to withdraw funds to make your donation.
· New Account – Checking
· New Account – Savings
· New Account – Credit/Debit Card
You need only to chose one. Your choice will be saved as Your Profile for future visits.
Suggestion: Decide bank or credit card before you start.
You will only need to fill out the Vanco Online Giving form on your first visit.
After that, you will be able to select the button below only to decide how much and how often you wish make your donation.
(1) Vanco has been securely serving churches and nonprofits for over 30 years. They are presently providing payment solutions for more than 25,000 churches.
GivePlus Mobile App
The Central Presbyterian Church of Waxahachie is now listed in the GivePlus Mobile App. By downloading this app, Online Giving can now be done on a smart phone.
Where can I download the GivePlus Church app?
GivePlus Church is available through the App Store and Google Play. Search for “GivePlus Church” to download the app, then be sure to allow access to location services if you’d like to use the app’s Find Churches Near Me feature.
Is the GivePlus Church app free to use?
Yes! The app is free to download and you are not charged a fee to make donations using the app. Simply search for “GivePlus Church” in the App Store or Google Play to find it quickly.
How do I find Central Presbyterian Church in the app?
When you open the GivePlus Church app for the first time, you will be prompted to enter the name of the church you want to give to. You can enter as much of your church name as you know, and then select your church from the list. Or, use the Find Churches Near Me feature to search for churches in your area. If you cannot access this feature, go to your phone’s Settings > GivePlus and allow the app to access your location.
Will I have to search for my church every time I want to donate?
No. After you select a church, it automatically becomes your “home” or “default” church. The next time you open the app, the church you last selected will already be displayed.
There is also a video (YouTube link) available showing how to download and use the GivePlus Mobile App.
1 Peter 4:10 (KJV)
Some folks find it easiest to have their banker transfer funds automatically each month to Central Presbyterian Church of Waxahachie.
It is best to have your banker talk directly to Jonna Breedon in out church office to set this up in such a way that the bookkeeping goes smoothly.
Johnna may be reached at (972) 837-2924
1 Peter 4:10 (KJV)
Checks can be mailed to our church office:
· Central Presbyterian Church
· P.O. Box 38
· Waxahachie, Texas 75165
Your giving can be dropped off at the our church office.
Church Office Address
· Central Presbyterian Church
· 402 N. College Street
· Waxahachie, Texas 75165
· Phone: (972) 937-2924
· E-mail:
Our church secretary is usually there weekdays from 10 am to 3 pm but is is always good to call first before you make a special trip.
Our church office can accept cash, check, or credit card.
402 N. College Street
Waxahachie, Texas 75165
Phone: (972) 937-2924
Sunday Worship
We are currently worshipping through our Central Presbyterian Church's Facebook Live due to COVID-19