402 N. College St.,Waxahachie Texas 75165 (972) 937-2924
We are Central, an intentionally inclusive community where all may freely serve in the ministry of Christ to the world.
Signed in as:
We are Central, an intentionally inclusive community where all may freely serve in the ministry of Christ to the world.
This Service will be Live-Streamed from our sanctuary, to our CPCWAX Facebook page, and to our youtube channel:
www.facebook.com/cpcwax or to youtube:
We hope to see you in person or online!
"Inspired by the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Spirit, we nurture and enrich the faith of our community and exemplify God's transcending love in our daily lives through our worship, witness, and actions, so all will come to know and embrace the redeeming grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! To that end, we are an intentionally inclusive community who welcomes all people whom God calls to serve in the ministry of Christ to the world.
Inspired by the scripture, as each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace (1 Peter 4:10), we are called to show God’s love to others through service. Each of us possess gifts and talents, which, when used together as a group, allow us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others in our community, as well as those in distant lands. Through these tangible acts of love for one another and our neighbors near and far, the community gathered at Central Presbyterian Church strives to reflect God’s love." - May 6, 2022 - Mission Study
Serving others with your time, talents, and treasures is an important element of responding to all that we have been given by God. You have been entrusted with unique gifts – for some, particular skills and talents, for others, wealth, and for others, the deep desire to learn in order to teach – in order to make the greatest impact on others.
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Join us in Worship:
Coming this Sunday, February 16, 2025, 11am. Dr. Fred Thrower will lead us in worship in our lovely, historic sanctuary. This Service will be livestreamed here:
www.facebook.com/cpcwax or to youtube:
New Testament Lesson Ephesians 6:10-20
CHOIR ANTHEM “Every Day I Will Bless You” Raymond H. Haan
The Chancel Choir Ralph Stannard, Director
Randy Arey, Organ
Gospel Lesson John 1:1-14
SERMON “The Sword of the Spirit” Dr. Fred Thrower
• “Pausing Sacks of Snacks”
CPC is pausing the Sacks of Snacks Program. At this time, The North Texas Food Bank will provide Sacks
of Snacks for Marvin Biomedical Elementary along with other high need elementary schools.
• TABLE FELLOWSHIP, NEXT Sunday, February 16, following worship
• Children’s and Adult Sunday School meet at 9:30 am, downstairs.
• MINISTRY TEAM MEETING SCHEDULE. These teams meet immediately following worship:
• Worship & Discipleship First Sunday of the month
• Mission Second Sunday of the month
• Finance Third Monday of the month
• Session meets the Fourth Sunday of the month
• Jubilate Ringers will meet Wednesday, at 5:45 pm.
• Chancel Choir meets Wednesdays, at 7:00 pm.
• 2nd Saturday of each month, Men’s Breakfast, downstairs, 8:00 a.m.
• Table Fellowship, 3rd Sunday of the month
• Memory Support Group, 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 5:00 pm, in parlor.
❖ Presbyterian Women’s Evening Circle meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 pm, at the home of Rene Craig.
❖ Presbyterian Women’s Morning Circle meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, at 10:00 am, in the parlor.
Please see Dotty Smith, if you have questions.
If you would like to be put on the prayer email list, please contact Glinda Felty at gfelty@sbcglobal.net
Our Newsblast is here:
Bible Study frequently leads to LUNCH!
Wednesday Mornings, home setting. Snacks are a given!
Call Cheryl Loper or the church office for more details.(972) 937-2924
At Central Presbyterian Church, prayer is a vital part of our communication with God. It is also a chance for us to bear each other’s burdens by taking our needs to God. Please email prayer
requests to gfelty@sbcglobal.net
Our Adult Choir is meeting for rehearsals in our Sanctuary, Wednesday nights at 7pm. We will be presenting our anthems in our Worship Services. There are no auditions, or requirements other than willing hearts, and willing voices as we Celebrate the Lord, Our God in Song! More information is available by calling the church office, or just show up Wednesday nights at 7pm!
We share locally and globally by supporting ministries of many kinds.
Visit the listings of programs and agencies supported through our budget and with volunteer participation. You will find them in our Archive section link at the bottom of the page.
We will worship in person this Sunday in our sanctuary @ 11 am and through our Central Presbyterian Church's Facebook Live at:
www.facebook.com/cpcwax or Youtube
We will post our weekly service plans here and on our Facebook page.
Central Presbyterian Church has been recognized as an Earth Care Congregation based on participation in recycling, missional outreach and Little library projects throughout the community. Detailed information is available from our church office and in our archives, link at bottom of the page.
June 2017 Dear Hunger Action Congregation,
Congratulations and thank you for responding to the biblical call to alleviate hunger and for your work toward ending its causes! You have joined the faithful ranks of churches around the country that respond with compassionate action to end hunger in a country and world that have the potential to feed everyone. Through your local hunger ministry commitment, and now as a recognized PC(USA) Hunger Action Congregation, you march side by side with other Presbyterians committed to alleviating hunger and to addressing the prejudices, practices, and policies that undergird a system that perpetuates hunger and poverty in even this rich country, the United States. We pray God uses this network of Hunger Action Congregations to share best practices, to communicate challenges and celebrations, and to multiply the effect each of us can have in our own neighborhoods to a much broader impact. Because your congregation is active in all six areas of hunger response, we are honored to bestow on you the special designation of Certified Hunger Action Congregation. Accordingly, we are sending you a Certificate to display in your church and to include in web or electronic communications as you wish. We encourage you to write about your covenant and your hunger and poverty work to share with us, your presbytery, and for local media as well. We celebrate your ministry! And we will more formally recognize your congregation, along with the growing number of Hunger Action Congregations around the country, on World Food Day (October 16) during the Churches Week of Action on Food. Together, let us continue to reach out to those who hunger in our own communities, including those who may be sitting near us in our own congregations, and may we respond to larger national and global hunger concerns as well. You can read about the annual Food Week of Action and World Food Day at pcusa.org/foodweek. Find resources about hunger, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and national and international campaigns that tackle root causes of hunger at pcusa.org/hunger. You can access the most up-to-date information and announcements by liking PHP at facebook.com/presbyhunger. You may also sign up for an e-newsletter that shares about PHP and our broader Compassion, Peace and Justice ministry area within the Presbyterian Church (USA), to hear news about hunger, peacemaking, disaster response, and more. We will contact Hunger Action Congregations quarterly about upcoming trips, resources, opportunities, and important developments. Please also send us your congregation’s updates, stories, or just a hello throughout the year – email php@pcusa.org. We would like to share those updates with other Hunger Action Congregations and Presbyterians around the world, posting them on our blog, sharing snippets through facebook, and connecting you to one another. Blessings on your congregation and your ministries! Rev. Rebecca Barnes Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program, PC(USA)
Central Presbyterian Church
402 N. College Street
Waxahachie, Texas 75165
Phone: (972) 937-2924
E-mail: cpcwax@gmail.com