Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry –

Children are an important and special part of our congregation. We offer multiple ways for children to come to know how much God loves them! We invite you to come and be part of this community of children and parents as we seek to grow in God's love together!

Sunday School

Our Sunday School classes begin at 9:30am and meet on the ground floor. We provide a child centered learning environment that offers substantive and meaningful opportunities for faith development.


The Nursery is located at the bottom of the stairway found in the narthex. The Nursery is available during 9:30 a.m. class time as well as during the worship service.

Children’s Church

We love the time during our week where our church worships all together, and kids are a big part of what that looks like. We don’t mind the extra noises and movement that happens inevitably when kids are in church. So, we have all ofour children in worship for the first 15-20 minutes. Then kids ages 1 through 4thGrade are invited after the Passing of the Peace to their own praise time that is age-specific for them.